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Archives of the Half Moon Bay History Association

These are the online archives of the Association. Here we have photos, documents, older versions of newsletters, etc.

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Credit to Half Moon Bay History Association

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Half Moon Bay History Association Newsletters

Presentations & Videos

Half Moon Bay History Association Video Tours

Half Moon Bay History Association Docent Training Videos

 Quarterly Meeting Presentations

POST lectures by California State Park Archeologist Mark Hylkema

Other Videos


Pictures and images


Zaballa House. Built c. 1855

Spanish immigrant and prominent businessman, Estanislao Zaballa, built this impressive house in Half Moon Bay.  During the 1906 earthquake the house was twisted on its foundation, but unlike surrounding adobe and brick buildings the home remained standing.

Pablo Vasquez House. Built 1869

Pablo Vasquez built this house in 1869 next to his father’s five-room adobe. Known for his horsemanship Pablo often sponsored races that sent horses thundering down Main Street.

America Kelsey Wyman

As a young pioneer girl America Kelsey Wyman tended her parents when they became deathly ill with smallpox.  America met her husband, George Wyman, a trapper and cattle rancher when he braved quarantine rules to help her with the task.  She later lived in Half Moon Bay.

Index Saloon, later Cunha’s Market. Built c. 1900; Rebuilt 2003

This building was constructed by Joseph Debenedetti as a tavern called the Index Saloon. The upstairs was a meeting and dance hall while the downstairs housed a general store.

Community United Methodist Church

Built 1872 this church was designed by renowned San Francisco architect Charles Geddes. The Victorian belfry allows the replica 1907 bell to be seen from all angles.

Civil War Soldier

Five Women, Early 1900s

Riding the Ocean Shore Railroad, 1910

Three Men, Early 1900s

World War I Soldier